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Let's Connect
Home: Welcome


Why I do what I do.

Let’s be honest.

Exercise can be a struggle. 

Injuries, lack of motivation, time, confidence and ageing can sometimes seem against us. 

But here’s my question: What is it that you want to do with your life? 

Play with the kids / grandkids? Feel more energised? Comeback from injury? Fit those jeans? Maybe you don't even know - you just know you need to do something.

It is my job as your personal trainer to find out what your individual needs and goals are and to help educate and encourage you towards them. Each person is unique so I will take time to ensure that your program works for YOU.   And we will have fun while we are at it!


After going from HATING exercise and feeling incredibly nervous about sweating in front of people to taking a step towards my own health goals I understand what it is like to struggle with confidence as well as motivation when it comes to exercise in a gym environment. 

If you are looking for someone to journey alongside you, educate and encourage you and give you a high-five - then I would love to have a chat about what we could achieve together. 

Contact Me
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One on One, Partner and small group sessions available.  I will cater to any injuries, postural needs and fitness requirements.  I Push, I challenge, but I also meet you where you are in your fitness journey and encourage you to the next level. Looking for something specific? Let's chat and see how I can help.

Cross Fit Class


Strength & Stamina

Fitness is fabulous with friends.  Grab a friend or two and have a chat with me about how we can create a program to meet all your needs and have a bunch of fun along the way.

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Sit Ups


Feel Good, Look Good

One on One Sessions will help you focus on your goals and get results faster.  I will determine your needs and work with you to increase your strength and fitness, tone up, lose fat and increase your sense of wellbeing. Be prepared to have fun too!

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Kettle Ball Squats


Functional fitness

A strong core and functioning glutes are key in everyday functional movements.  Sometimes you need a more focused program to strengthen these important body parts and create a mind - body connection.

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Whatever your fitness needs, I’m here to bring you results. Contact me for more details.

Home: Services

"It's always YOU against YOU.
Focus. Connect. Enjoy the Journey."


Home: Quote


Hear What Others Have to Say

Home: Testimonials

"I get a lot of value from my sessions with Anna. I started training having a few requirements from my Physio and she has really helped me to build the strength that I needed to, above that I have seen results in my physique that I didn't expect and am very happy with. Anna invests herself in you, your goals and making sure you get so much out of every training session. It makes it so much easier to get into training and really enjoy it because you feel safe, have fun, accomplished, worked and just good on so many levels. She also invests a lot into research and keeping up with whats going on in the industry, the nutrition programme she stands by has also been a massive part of my success. Highly recommend Anna as a trainer"


Sharon Wall

"Do it people!  Anna and I have been working together now for a while and I love it! I feel so energised and fit. I appreciate that Anna constantly looks out for how my body is working so that I am protected. She considers any injuries and niggles and adjusts the session to suit. Anna is challenging, but she has never given me something that I couldn't do (even though I doubted my ability to begin with). Her creativity makes the sessions with Anna fun and never dull. But ultimately with Anna, I have a real sense that she is for me and my goals, my success is her success, so when we are together she is all about me and what I need. 

Thank you Anna for being everything you are and helping me be a better me. "

Sarah Bailey

'Even though I eat well 80% of the time it still amazes me how much a body can changes when you only workout 3-4 times a week. There must be a lot of people who overtrain and get disheartened. I used to think I had to run for an hour every day. Weights are a game changer.'

A Happy Client


Aspire is located behind the Z petrol station on SH2. Parking available.

Aspire Health and Sports, 253a SH2 Tauranga New Zealand 3110

027 467 9694

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027 467 9694

Aspire Health and Sports, 253a SH2 Tauranga New Zealand 3110


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